Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 11/14/2023 - 4:30 PM
Category: Policy Governance
Type: Action
Subject: Board Selection of Voting Delegate and Alternates for Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) 2023 Business Meeting (10 Minutes)
End Statements:
File Attachment:
Summary : A delegate is a member of the local school board who votes on behalf of the board on important issues before the CASB membership. Delegates play a vital role in ensuring that CASB’s official positions and operations reflect the needs and viewpoints of all member school districts. The DCSD Board's selected delegate will participate in a democratic process at CASB’s Annual Business Meeting in December by voting for representatives on the CASB Board of Directors and addressing any other legislative resolutions or organizational business items before the membership.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education select a delegate (and one or more alternates in the event the delegate cannot attend) to participate and vote in the December 7, 2023 Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) 2023 Business Meeting.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Ronnae Brockman - Board Assistant Secretary
Signed By:
Erin Kane - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Ray D Moved, Member Becky Myers seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board of Education select Director Meek as the Board delegate to participate and vote in the December 7, 2023 Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) 2023 Business Meeting.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion CARRIED 7 - 0
Ray D     Yes
Susan Meek     Yes
Mike Peterson     Yes
Becky Myers     Yes
Kaylee Winegar     Yes
Christy Williams     Yes
Jason Page     Yes